Sunday, June 30, 2013


Today has been another very interesting day of travel!

I took a taxi to the airport and the driver was Palestinian so we got to hear all about that for a second time since arriving in Jerusalem. It's interesting to get the other side of the story but it can be exhausting!

The airport was slightly chaotic and I had no idea what to expect. Security and customs were all wrapped up into one area so I was questioned and then my bags went through xray only to be hand searched on the other side. They didn't take my pottery though!

Then there was a passport check, another round of security and passport control where they questioned me again about why I was here and why I was traveling alone to Mongolia. 

Waiting to leave!

Once on the other side, everything was much like American airports. I boarded with no problem and even had a window seat. The Korean air flight attendants have the best uniforms and were so kind. I had dinner which was a Korean rice and veggie dish that I definitely wouldn't recommend and breakfast was an omelette because I was too scared to try the Korean porridge.

I watched Les Mis because we spent the last week singing the songs and there were no screaming children on the plane. I can handle the rest of what comes with a 10 hour plane flight. 

Seoul, South Korea

There was another round of security checks when I arrived in Korea and by now I'm a dang expert! The airport is very nice which is great because I had a 4 hour layover to hang out in it. 

The flight the rest of the way to Mongolia was uneventful other than some crazy turbulence and more strange Korean food.

I am officially in Mongolia. My host family is beyond kind and has a very nice apartment with wifi which already makes me feel more secure. Silly I know. Tomorrow I have my orientation of the city and ProjectsAbroad office.

I will admit though...I now know the meaning of culture shock.

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